Dayal Opticals has been providing Delhi-NCR with one of the widest and trendiest ranges of eyewear for over 55 years. 

Handling all of their communication collateral, outdoor media and social media required a great deal of understanding the extremely wide bracket of target audiences and the types of ways different stores positioned themselves. Every store catered to a specific target audience that was friendly to its own financial bracket, and so the advertising in each store and areas surrounding them was critically derived from customer expectations.

Communication Design, Social Media

Dayal Opticals

Consumer Lifestyle Stores and Products

To create monthly graphics for print and digital media, made to be seamless through the brand stores yet giving each stores its own space and audience communication

Advertisements, Outdoor Media, Social Media, Photography and Website Graphics and Content

Special range of advertisements based on eye charts.
Focussed on the benefits of retail shopping in the world of eyewear instead of online.

Poster for display


Sample of carousal ad

Special edition eyewear advertisements




Flexes with brand centric messages

Gift vouchers for different types of benefits


Mall frisking booth promotional graphics


Collection based photography


New collection campaign

Photoshoot, content and creatives


Little festive touch while maintaining identity


Newspaper ad for sale

Sale centric graphics



For promotion of lens


Illustrations for promotional material


Photoshoots for sales collateral


Store relocation graphics



Website Graphics from the collection of photoshoots done for in-house and showcase brands


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